Shift-share Analysis Package I developed During my career, I often have to deal with compositional & within group effects. For instance, the employment rate fell by 3% across 2 period. How much of it is due to an increase in employment rate within the sub-group and how much of it is due to compositional shift (for example ageing population).
A formal way to explain these effects is known as shift-share analysis.
I wrote an automated email notification code to send out my daily ETF watchlist in csv - an extension of my ETF watchlist project here. I figured out that people will not visit my site. So why not blast out the watchlist instead:)
And if you are interested in the code. Here you go.
#Steps for sending watchlist library("rJava") library(‘mailR’) source("./R/emails.R") # Write the content of your email msg <- paste("Hey there, I’m sending this ETF watchlist that is updated as of ", "\n", as.
Naming Conventions in R. Let’s call it JR Notations. ‘Naming conventions’ is a huge thing in many programming languages/ paradigms/ communities. But it’s noticeably absent in the R programming community.
With some inspiration from the Hungarian Notation, here’s a blue-print that I came up with while working on a major R project over the last 2 months. Drumroll please…
1. Naming conventions for R scripts F_ for R scripts that contains functions.